Before you blame “bad genes” for your hairy lip, know that you aren’t alone - most women deal with stubborn upper lip, chin, and sideburn hair. And men may want to lower their beard line (or remove their beard entirely!). As clubs go, this one is far from exclusive.
And while it may be easier to chalk it up to bad luck — and indeed, some hair growth is certainly normal even if you consider it unsightly — a common cause for this excessive and visible hair growth around the mouth and chin is a condition called hirsutism.
Some opt for shaving or tweezing, but that little stubble might come back with a vengeance. Others try bleaching, but that leaves the hair visible or makes applying make-up a nightmare.
And then there’s laser hair removal.
But using a laser to tackle some rogue hairs is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. These treatments can be somewhat effective but the results might be short-lived. Laser also can’t treat (peach) fuzz or white, gray, blonde, or red hair.
Electrolysis uses fancy tech to zap those unwanted hair follicles with gentle electric currents. And here's the kicker: since it targets the root of the hair, electrolysis can take on everything from dainty peach fuzz to stubborn thickets. It's reliable, it's versatile, and it’s the only FDA-approved claim for permanent hair removal.
Ready to stop the ‘stache for good? Our techs are here to help put a stop to the stubble.

pampering sessions”