It's time to cut through the fluff about laser hair removal
For starters, it can be quite effective at keeping a lid on unwanted hair growth. But will it work on your unwanted hair? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
The science behind laser hair reduction is simple: since lasers are guided by melanin (the dark pigment in your hair), the lighter your hair color or the darker your skin (which distracts the laser from hitting the actual hair), the less effective laser becomes. And if you're thinking a technician can just “crank up the heat,” you’ll be in for a painful surprise in the form of laser burns on your skin.
The science behind electrolysis is simpler
We use gentle electric currents to target those overactive hair follicles directly, stopping the growth at its source. For this reason, electrolysis is the hero of hair removal, equally effective at treating excessive growth on all skin types and hair colors. In other words, treatment on tan and dark skin is exactly as effective as on lighter skin tones. Electrolysis also happens to be the only FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal (whereas laser can only claim hair reduction).
Stubborn lip hair and unsightly razor bumps don’t discriminate, and neither should your treatment. Chat with a Nios technician and find what works for you.
Get results in any color.